Enterprise Resource Planning


BiTsERP is based on an open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) built for Small and Medium sized organizations. It Covers business process from Accounting, Inventory, Billing, CRM to Projects and Payroll and More

BiTsERP helps you to manage all your business information in one application and use it to manage operations and take decisions based on data.

Among other things, BiTsERP will help you to:

·        Track all Invoices and Payments.

·        Know what quantity of which product is available in stock.

·        Identify open customer queries.

·        Manage payroll.

·        Assign tasks and follow up on them.

·        Maintain a database of all your customers, suppliers and their contacts.

·        Prepare quotes.

·        Get reminders on maintenance schedules.

·        Publish your website, and many more!

BiTsERP is built on MySQL/MariaDB database system using a Python (software) based server-side Framework
BiTsERP has a Model-View-Controller architecture with metadata modelling tools that add flexibility for users to adapt the software to unique purposes without the need for programming.

Client interacts with the server via JSON data objects on a Representational state transfer (RESTful) supporting server.